Siting Temporary Art at the Former PES Refinery Fenceline, A conversation with Artist Amy Balkin and Dr. Bethany Wiggin

September 23, 2021
5:00pm - 5:45pm

Join Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH) remote artist-in-residence Amy Balkin in conversation with PPEH’s Bethany Wiggin as she discusses the billboard and public postering project Area of Interest: Former Sunoco/PES Refinery Site Billboard and the dialog, research and community activism that informed this temporary memorial to life lost to fossil fuels and their refining at what was until June 2019 the east coast’s largest and oldest petroleum refinery. At a time when the need to just transition away from Carbon-intensive energy sources is more obvious and urgent than ever, this project places communities long harmed by the environmental injustices of the oil and gas industry at its heart.

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