
Solar Energy Development in the US: Obstacles and Opportunities

October 16, 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Kleinman Center Fisher Fine Arts Library 4th Floor, 220 S 34th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
This image shows a solar panel in a grassy field.


Tom Daniels

Tom Daniels

Crossways Professor

Tom Daniels directs the concentration in Land Use and Environmental Planning at the University of Pennsylvania. He also administers the Certificate in Land Preservation and the Certificate in Ecological Planning. Tom frequently serves as a consultant to state and local governments and land trusts. Since 2005, he has served on the Board of Trustees of the Orton Family Foundation, which seeks to promote better planning and decision making in small cities and towns. In 2010, Tom was a recipient of the Clarkson Chair at the State University of New York at Buffalo, a recognition as one of the leading academic planners in the United States.

Sanya Carley

Sanya Carley

Faculty Director, Kleinman Center

Sanya Carley is the faculty director of the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy and Presidential Distinguished Professor of Energy Policy and City Planning at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design. She holds secondary appointments at the Wharton School and the School of Social Policy and Practice. She also co-directs the Energy Justice Lab and is a Resources for the Future (RFF) university fellow.